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Safely Removing the Thalia Pick Puck

In this short video, Chris demonstrates how to remove the pick puck safely without damaging the puck.  
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Introducing the Pick Puck Pickup

Introducing the PICK PUCK PICKUP, which is a pick puck with an integrated piezoelectric pickup, turning any acoustic guitar into an acoustic/electric!
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What happened to brushed black chrome capos?

What happened to brushed black chrome capos?

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Pick Puck Testing on Various Guitar Finishes

Thalia Pick Puck testing on various guitar finishes.
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Why are Many Products on PREORDER?

Why are Many Products on PREORDER?

The demand for our products radically surges during the Holiday Season and we simply cannot serve that demand surge under our normal build-to-order model.  So we actively trim the available options in the run up to the holidays so we can focus on building our most popular products. So if you have seen products on our site that say Sold Out until 2021 that is what is going on. 

Now that the Holiday Season is fully underway and we have passed the initial surge of Black Friday / Cyber Monday, we are turning many of these products back on for "preorder."  This way anyone who is willing to wait until January to get these products may pre-order them now and secure their place in line.

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Designing a Better Covid-19 Protective Barrier Enclosure to Contain Aerosols

Designing a Better Covid-19 Protective Barrier Enclosure to Contain Aerosols

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ThaliaBox Production Update & N95 Masks!

It was an exhausting week at the Thalia Studio but I feel like we accomplished so much. I have attached a short video tour inside of our retooled factory. It is frenetic environment as we race to get these out to those in need. The team is inspired by the stories that are coming in from the front lines and the opportunity to offer some help.
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Thalia has Retooled to Fight the Corona Virus

Thalia has Retooled to Fight the Corona Virus

Several of my friends & family members are healthcare workers serving on the front lines in the fight against the Corona Virus.  And my daughter Thalia plans to follow in their footsteps, going off to college in the fall as a pre-med major.  I am disheartened by the grave reality that these brave women and men are risking their lives to provide necessary care.  As we "shelter in place" and do our part to stop the spread of this disease, I have been sleepless wanting to do something more to help them.
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I want to be as transparent as possible during this challenging time and give you some insight on how the corona virus is affecting us and our ability to serve our loyal customers. First, we are all healthy and none of our employees have had any symptoms or been tested for the virus. 

However, we were given an order by our county authorities on March 12 to "shelter in place" and cease operations until April 8th (now extended until May 4.) 

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Our Future in Custom Guitars

Our Future in Custom Guitars

I have been working on a very "big idea” for our company related to custom guitars.  Now to be clear, I do not intend to start building our own guitars.  Instead I plan to partner with iconic guitar brands (who already have the guitar building part nailed) and customize their guitars.   In this model, Thalia will become a guitar “hot rod” shop.  We will start with stock guitars and upgrade them to our customer’s spec or to our own limited-edition vision. 
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Peter Asher: The Man, The Myth & The Legend Advises Thalia

Peter Asher: The Man, The Myth & The Legend Advises Thalia

Peter is a legend and visionary who has managed to reach the top of the game in every field of music imaginable.  He is a bonafide rockstar singer & guitar player, as half of the 60's duo Peter & Gordon, he once headed A&R for the Beatles' Apple Records where he also worked with each of the Beatles on their solo efforts, discovered and managed James Taylor & Linda Ronstadt among many others. 
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The Backstory on Our Launch into Truss Rod Covers

The Backstory on Our Launch into Truss Rod Covers

I thought I would share a new product category that we just launched and the backstory of how these new products came to be.  First, I'm a strong believer in serendipity and in the belief that there are new opportunities everywhere.  You just have to look for them.
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Several New Products Coming Soon!

We have some exciting new products planned for the future!  In this short video, I share several of these new products including Thalia straps, strap locks, wall hangers and more!  

Invest in our crowdfunding campaign to help these products launch and receive a 50% discount off Thalia products for LIFE!

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Thalia Strap Locks Coming Soon!

Thalia Strap Locks Coming Soon!

I have been thinking about strap locks for years and began development on a new strap lock about three years ago.  The problem that I have with existing strap locks is that they usually require you to replace the button on your guitar (and risk stripping out the screw hole? yes, I've done it...) and of course none of the solutions on the market are very elegant or attractive.  

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Premium Guitar Straps Coming This Fall!

Premium Guitar Straps Coming This Fall!

Thalia Custom Straps brings premium customizable leather straps to the masses at amazing price points.  Starting at around $60, Thalia customers will be able to choose from a wide range of premium leather straps with integrated wood and shell inlays.  
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Introduction of Three Koa Colors!

Introduction of Three Koa Colors!

I am excited today to announce 3 New Stained Colors of our very popular AAA Curly Hawaiian Koa capos.  There are several reasons why we are making this move.  First, I love Curly Hawaiian Koa.  Its natural color can range from golden yellow to dark chocolate in color.  It can also get so figured, curly and beautiful that it can blow your mind with its beauty.  Second, we have a Hawaiian Koa Reforestation Commitment as it relates to Hawaiian Koa and thus we can ensure its sustainability and regrowth. 

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Our New Quickship & Build-To-Order Strategy

Our New Quickship & Build-To-Order Strategy

I'm sure that your noticed that we offer a lot of design variety in our products.  In fact, we now offer over 35,000 different variations... Yes, I know that is way, way too many :) It is just that nice customers like you kept asking us for new and different things and we had a hard time saying no.

But that philosophy created some operational problems for us.  Read this article to see how we fixed it.

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Developing New Hawaiian Koa Stain Colors & Finishes

Developing New Hawaiian Koa Stain Colors & Finishes

One of the ways that we plan to expand the proliferation of Hawaiian Koa across our product portfolio is with the introduction of color.  So this week I thought I would share some of the experiments that we are doing with regards to Hawaiian Koa staining & finishing.  Here are some of the colors that we are playing with...

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Hawaiian Koa: Thalia's New Sustainability Mission

Hawaiian Koa: Thalia's New Sustainability Mission

We have embarked on an exciting plan that we will be explaining in more detail over the coming months.   But here is what I can tell you now about what we have planned...  We have decided to take on a new mission as it relates to Hawaiian Koa and sustainability.  
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Creating a Better Fretpad & Solution for 12-Strings

Creating a Better Fretpad & Solution for 12-Strings

Today, we are excited to launch OctaveTouch™, our new patent-pending fretpad technology. This is a 12-string solution that turns any 200 series capo into the best 12-string capo in the world.  Watch the video above for details and read on if you would like to read the full backstory of how this new technology came to be.

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200 Series Upgrades

Learn about the 30+ improvements made to our 200 Series Thalia Capo.
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